
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
Ps 139:14

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What Has Encouraged Me Today...

I read a blog post this morning, "Busyness, Burnout and the Grace of God (4) Identity", and some comments that Jean made really struck me:
  • "My significance doesn't come from what I do, or even what God does through me. My significance comes from the fact that I'm a child of God."
  • "But life isn't about my renown: it's about making God's name known."
  • "The world tells me that work defines my identity. It tells me that I'm nothing if I'm not using my degree, using my skills, and pursuing a career, preferably one which fulfills and energises me. But God tells me to use all my energies to love and serve others. I find myself in him, not in my work."
  • "I can be faithful to God in the situation he's put me in, serve the people he's given me to love, and trust him to help them grow in his own timing and his own way."
This has challenged me to reconsider how I view my life. It has given me perspective. I need to be more content in my circumstances and remember to praise God for all that he has done for me. I need to remember to do all things that will please him and glorify his name.

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