
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
Ps 139:14

Friday, May 28, 2010

Reflections of Week 42

Things have changed quite a bit in the last week. Remember how I said previously that Jack wasn't really getting all the adventurous with his crawling? Well, that has completely gone out the window! He is getting VERY adventurous and he liked to explore. He's also pulling himself up onto EVERYTHING. So, nothing's safe now (all the well-seasoned parents can laugh at me now!). We're constantly having to move things out of his reach. He's also been sick this week, too, which has made it a harder week than usual.

Like I said, he's going everywhere and getting into everything. Things have definitely changed. When I feed him in the mornings in bed, he no longer sits and plays with me. Once his feed is over (he sits up by himself when he's had enough or when he wants to have a look around) he spots Dave's bedside table and he's off, crawling over to it. I put up some pillows in front of the bedside table, but he's worked out how to crawl over them. I pull him back and then he whinges. This goes on for a while before I decide it's time to get up. So, gone are the lovely ly-ins with Jack.

Jack is often on the move. We used to put him on his play mat and he'd sit there and play for ages. Now, he's barely there for a couple of minutes (no matter how many fantastic toys he has) before he's crawling towards the coffee table or the speakers (and, yes, they're still on the floor!). While I've been writing this post, I've already had to put him back on his mat from playing with the speakers several times. He's now sitting on his play mat playing with his books. Not sure how long that will last!

He's gotten really good at pulling himself up on things now. He's doing all the time and with such ease (it's happened so quickly!). He hasn't quite worked out how to get down after he's standing, but he's getting there. He stood by himself for about two seconds yesterday. That was a bit of a surprise, for both Jack and myself.

Jack's day naps have settled back down. His morning naps are short, but he'll have a longer nap in the afternoon (if we're at home). His night sleeping has been slightly unsettled as he's been sick, but it's not been too bad.

Wake Time
Nothing's changed.

I think that I need to be playing with him more now. Seeing that he's crawling around so much, I suspect that I should spend more time interacting with him, rather than expecting him to entertain himself so much. It's good for him to play by himself, but I think I need to play him him more as well.

Still going really well. Being sick, he lost his appetite a bit, but he is eating better today.

This has become harder. It seems like he doesn't listen to us at all when we say 'no'. When he's playing with the speakers, I say 'no' and he looks at me, but keeps doing it. I go over and pull his hands away and say 'no' again and then he just giggles. Very annoying, but to be expected, I guess.

Here's what our days are looking like at the moment:

7:00am - Wake, feed, solids, play
9.00/9.30am - Nap
10.30/11.00am - Wake, solids, play
12.00pm - Feed
1.00pm - Nap
3.00pm - Wake, solids, play
5.00pm - Feed, play
6.00pm - Dinner with family
6.30pm - Bath and stories
7.00pm - Bed

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