This is going really well. Jack is really good at crawling now and he can move quite quickly now. Unfortunately, he has become a lot more aware of the world around him and he now loves to explore on a whole new level. He is a lot more determined to get to things now. He loves crawling to the coffee table, the DVD player and speakers (we really need to get them off the floor!), the heater, under the dining table and the bathroom. He plays on his mat for a bit and then he's off, crawling around the living room. He really enjoys following a ball around the living room. He enthusiastically chases it around (lucky for him or lounge room floor has a slope, so the ball always moves on its own accord ;-)).
Jack's been pretty good with getting on his knees to reach things. He does this so easily now. Recently he has worked out how to pull up onto his feet. He figure out how to do it while he was in the bath and now he loves to do it in the bath all the time (as well as crawling around in the bath). It was very exciting to see, but we didn't necessarily want to encourage it! He has also just started to stand up in his cot, but he doesn't always do it.

Jack's night sleeping is still going well - nothing's really changed there. But, his day naps have changed in the last week. In the mornings he's been taking about half an hour or more to get to sleep. He plays quite happily and energetically in his cot and I have to go in every now and then to lie him back down again. He is often kneeling or standing up and whacking his hands up and down on the cot or the wall. Or, he's sitting down with his legs between the cot slats, swinging them about. I often find his socks on the floor and they're usually wet (he likes to suck on them). Eventually he goes to sleep, but he hasn't been sleeping for very long. Yesterday he slept for 20 minutes and today he slept for 30 minutes. I've tried keeping him up for longer but it hasn't made much of a difference. I'm wondering if he is going to drop this nap soon. But, surely it's too early? I'm going to monitor it more closely this week and see if keeping him up longer works or if I should just keep persisting with the 9am nap. His afternoon naps are better and he has been sleeping longer, but he still likes to play around before he goes to sleep.
Wake Time
Nothing much has changed...I'm not too sure how long I should be keeping him up. I try to keep his afternoon nap time consistent, so usually if he wakes up at 10am or later, I put him down again at 1pm. This morning he was awake at 9.30am and he managed really well being awake until 1pm.
I've noticed that Jack (and his other baby friends) are at an age now where they need more interactive toys. There are a couple of favourite toys at mothers group to which the babies seem to gravitate. They are the play centre type toys where things move and make music. We have borrowed a toy from my friend Sam, which has been great as it can be expensive having to buy toys all the time and we don't have the space for lots of toys. Jack really enjoys playing with it as well as some interactive stacker blocks that his grandparents bought him. I'm going to investigate the toy library this week.

Jack is eating really well. He is a great eater and he'll eat pretty much anything. I gave him half a juiced lemon the other day. I was expecting him to make a face and not like it, but he didn't; he happily sucked on it and he rather enjoyed it. I made a chicken tagine with cayenne pepper in it. It was too hot for Jack. He kept opening his mouth so we thought he was enjoying it, until his crying got worse. Poor thing.
I'm still feeding him 3 times a day, although there have been a couple of days where I've forgotten to give him his midday feed. Some days he's not too fussed about having a breastfeed and other days he really wants it.
He's drinking from a cup pretty well now. He still gets all wet down his front, but I think he's doing a good job of drinking. I try to give him water with each meal. He enjoys drinking his water, which is great. I gave up giving him the sippy cups as he was pretty hopeless at using them and I could never work out how much water he was actually drinking. We have one sippy cup that he can hold himself (seen in the photo above), but I think he spends most of his time chewing on the end rather than drinking the water. When I give it to him to use by himself he ends up getting drenched.
This is getting hard. He's moving around so much and touching things he's not supposed to. It gets a bit draining after a while. Sometimes he listens when we say 'no' and stops what he's doing, but sometimes he completely ignores what we're saying. But that's alright, we just have to keep persisting and being consistent.
This is still going well. Jack is really good with other people. He doesn't seem phased by being with others. His Grandmother, Noelene, looked after him Yesterday while I played netball (we lost). We had to go out to a BBQ that night and we were planning taking Jack with us, but after Dave's father offered to look after Jack, we decided to leave him with them. He was with them anyway and he seemed so happy. So, on the way to the BBQ we dropped in so I could feed him and then we were on our way.
Here's what our days are looking like at the moment:
7:00am - Wake, feed, solids, play
9.00/9.30am - Nap
10.30/11.00am - Wake, solids, play
12.00pm - Feed
1.00pm - Nap
3.00pm - Wake, solids, play
5.00pm - Feed, play
6.00pm - Dinner with family
6.30pm - Bath and stories
7.00pm - Bed
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