I was driving home from the shops today with Jack crying all the way home because he was hungry. About 5 minutes from home, his cries stopped, but they were replaced with these odd sucking sounds. When I got home, I saw Jack had discovered his thumb (he's taking after his mother). This brings me back to my musings on the effectiveness of the dummy. Some more to think about...

1 comment:
People always used to tell me that if they didn't start sucking their thumbs straight away, then they wouldn't. Bethany started the day she was three months old and she stopped when we got to Vanuatu at seven months. That four months was possibly the busiest of our lives and the fact that she would lie on the floor playing, and then, when tired, stick her thumb in her mouth and go to sleep where-ever she was, was an enourmous blessing. At the moment, it might be a great blessing that Jack is sucking his thumb. However, my opinion is greatly coloured by the fact that we never went through the somewhat painful experience of trying to get a child to stop!
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