
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
Ps 139:14

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Jack's First Word

We think Jack said his first word yesterday, "gone". He was in the bath and he wanted Dave to remove something from the bath that he didn't like. Dave took it away and said, "it's gone now." Jack replied, "gone" with a little hand twist. We couldn't believe it so we kept removing toys from his bath and saying "gone" and Jack kept replying "gone". It was very cool and totally unexpected.

He's been saying "go" (sounds like the "go" in "gone") when his food (or a toy) would fall off his high chair. He'd look down at it and say "go". When he's finished eating we'd say "all gone". His grandparents particularly say that to him while they rotate their hands. So, it seems like he's been building on that. Amazing.

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