Jack had an absolute blast on his birthday. He really enjoyed his party. We had a morning tea at our place where we invited our family and friends to help us celebrate his first birthday.
Here are some photos (thanks to our friends Christie & Glenn). A bit late...but better late than never.
Granny & Jack
According to Granny, Jack snatched the chocolate cake out of her hands and ate it himself...hmmm
Uncle Chris & Jack
Dave made coffees for everyone.
Jack's birthday cake made by Granny.
Jack's Aunty Sarah made a cupcake tower for the children.
Jack's friend, Sophie (daughter of Christie & Glenn).
Sophie and Jazmin (daughter of Elvira & Jason, from MG).

Another friend of Jack's, Geordie (son of Lauren & Geoff, from MG).

Jack with Uncle Phil.

My Mothers Group friends - Geoff (married to Lauren), Lauren, Geordie & Christie.

Nina (daughter of Dom & Aud, from Brisbane) sussing out one of our sheep, Lolly.

Caleb, Rob & Isaac with our other sheep, Harry.

More Mothers Group friends: Machi, Lana (daughter of Machi & Lachlan), Erin and me.


Friends from church: Rachel, Daniel, Jack & Uncle Paul.

Elvira & Sophie.

Claire, Daniel, Rachel & Lauren.

Uncle Paul with his daughter, Yu-Jen.

Jack & me as we're singing 'Happy Birthday'.

Dave bringing out the cupcakes for the kids. Isaac is in the foreground.

Caleb, Chloe & Isaac.

Sam with Sophie
(one of my good friends from MG. I play netball with Sam and we see each other throughout the week. Sam's daughter, Daisy couldn't be at the party).

Christie with her daughter, Sophie
(another of my good friends from MG. Christie & I do some personal training together every week).

Erin, Lana and Thea. This photo encapsulates my Mothers Group.

Yummy chocolate crackles, made by Grandma (Noelene). What would a children's party be without chocolate crackles?

Jack with Granny & Grandpa.

The birthday boy himself.

Elijah. We put a box of toys and balls in the backyard, in the same area as the swing set and some children's tables, just next to the sheep pen. It was like a little playground for the children, which worked really well.

Jack with his friend, Chloe, whom he absolutely adores.

Erin & Jack (another good friend from MG).

Thea's little boy, Harper.

Me, Jack & Erin. I love this photo.

Me & Jack.

Granny, Me and Grandpa.

Grandma & Jack.
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