Just recently, he has gotten better at holding his head up when he's having tummy time. He holds it up much higher and for longer now.
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
Ps 139:14
Ps 139:14
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Jack's 12 Weeks
I can't believe that Jack is 12 weeks now. He's just getting cuter and cuter. He smiles a lot now and does lots of talking (mostly 'a-boo' and 'goo').

Just recently, he has gotten better at holding his head up when he's having tummy time. He holds it up much higher and for longer now.

Just recently, he has gotten better at holding his head up when he's having tummy time. He holds it up much higher and for longer now.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Two Blogs For Mums
I've discovered two blogs on parenting. They look really useful. The first blog I found was when I was searching for help for Jack's napping issues. It's called Chronicles of a Babywise Mom and you can have a look at it here. The blog is basically a quick guide to finding answers to questions you may encounter while implementing Babywise, Toddlerwise, Preschoolwise, Childwise, etc. Even though its content is Babywise based, it has some practical and helpful advice about parenting issues. I found some interesting posts on problems with naps and found this helpful. I was reading about "The 45 minute Intruder", which discusses the issue of babies only sleeping for 45 minutes at a time. I'd be interested to find out what you think.
The other blog I discovered this morning and haven't really had much time to have a good look at it. It's called "Childhood 101" and you can have a look at it here. It's a blog written by Christie Burnett where she relays her own parenting ideas. Christie is an Early Childhood teacher so she seems to have lots of ideas for parenting, activities, advice, etc. It looks like it has lots of DYI craft ideas, which made me think that it was worth checking out Rachael. Let me know what you think of this one.
The other blog I discovered this morning and haven't really had much time to have a good look at it. It's called "Childhood 101" and you can have a look at it here. It's a blog written by Christie Burnett where she relays her own parenting ideas. Christie is an Early Childhood teacher so she seems to have lots of ideas for parenting, activities, advice, etc. It looks like it has lots of DYI craft ideas, which made me think that it was worth checking out Rachael. Let me know what you think of this one.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Any Ideas???
Over the last week and a half, I've been getting more and more frustrated. Jack has not been sleeping very well during the day and I don't know why (he has gotten better at night. He's sleeping til about 6am, which is great!). I put him down to sleep and within 40 mins, he's awake, crying his little head off. I re-settle him (with the dummy usually) and it takes him about 30mins to go back to sleep. He was sleeping for about 2 - 2 1/2 hours previously, so I don't know why he keeps waking up. He goes to sleep by himself, so he's not waking up looking for a sleep prompt that's not there anymore. I thought that maybe he's overtired, so I put him to bed earlier, but he still wakes up. I thought that maybe it was because he wasn't wrapped, so I wrapped him, but he still wakes up. I thought that maybe he's hungry, so when he woke up, I fed him and then shortened the time between feeds, but he still wakes up. I'm running out of ideas and patience. Any ideas???
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Jack's New Bouncer
I bought Jack this bouncinette today. I didn't think they still made them like this. He seems to really enjoy it.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Sammy & Jack Hang Out
Jack's No. 1 Fans
We have known Phil and Megs for the last 6 years. They were the first friends we made when we first moved back to the Blue Mountains. We are really lucky to have these friends with whom we love to spend lots of time hanging out, eating, drinking coffee and playing games. We are also really lucky that they love Jack and love playing with him and giving him hugs. I think it's pretty safe to say that they are Jack's biggest fans (although, I think Grandma Ralphs and Granny Taylor may dispute that claim!).

Jonny, Cathy, Sienna & Aimee Come to Visit
Our last visitors were our friends from Brisbane, Jonny, Cathy, Sienna & Aimee. We hadn't seen them in AGES, so it was so good to catch up with them.
We went up to Katoomba to go to Scenic world (again). Sienna and Aimee really loved going on the Rail Way down the valley and then the Cable Way back up. They also went on the Sky Way while Dave and I had a hot chocolate (a very expensive hot chocolate!). We then went to the Hattery Cafe for a yummy lunch. It was really fun to spend time with another family and do family-friendly activities.
We went up to Katoomba to go to Scenic world (again). Sienna and Aimee really loved going on the Rail Way down the valley and then the Cable Way back up. They also went on the Sky Way while Dave and I had a hot chocolate (a very expensive hot chocolate!). We then went to the Hattery Cafe for a yummy lunch. It was really fun to spend time with another family and do family-friendly activities.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Grandad Comes to Visit
Helen Comes to Visit
Over the last few weeks, we've had a great time having friends and family staying with us.
Firstly, Dave's sister, Helen, came and stayed with us for a few days. Helen is from Perth so we don't get to see her all that much. It was really special that she could meet Jack and spend lots of time playing with him.

There were lots of warratahs on the walk - beautiful.
We then went to Katoomba and went on the Sky Way at Scenic World.

Firstly, Dave's sister, Helen, came and stayed with us for a few days. Helen is from Perth so we don't get to see her all that much. It was really special that she could meet Jack and spend lots of time playing with him.
We took Helen up to Blackheath where we did a short walk.
Friday, October 9, 2009
9 Weeks
Saturday, October 3, 2009
The Pornification of Girlhood: We haven't Come a Long Way Baby (Pt.1)
I have just finished reading the introduction to "Getting Real: Challenging the Sexualisation of Girls", written by Melinda Tankard Reist. I would like to share some interesting points from this:
Publicly Sexual
Publicly Sexual
- Kellie Crawford, former Hi-5 member, posed for a lingerie photo shoot for Ralph magazine. The photo is subtitled, 'Busting out some bedtime stories.' Kellie said that she posed for the photograph because she 'just forgot I was a woman.' She also went on to say that she wanted to 'find the woman in me' (p. 5). It is interesting that posing semi-naked for the whole world to lust after you is now considered womanly. This is what being a woman is all about, apparently. When Tankard Reist challenged this situation, she was bombarded with emails saying such things as, 'That I was sad, old and dog-ugly', 'that I needed liposuction', and 'that I was a bitter ugly woman' (p. 5-6)
- A 10 year old girl responded to this saying, 'I think it is very silly how she feels she has to do it. It sets a horrible example for younger kids like me. When I was little I used to love watching Hi-5 and it makes me disappointed [sic] that she has done something like that' (p. 6).
- In The Body Project: An Intimate History of American Girls, Joan Jacobs Brumberg comments: 'More than any other group in the population, girls and their bodies have borne the brunt of twentieth-century social change, and we ignore that fact to our peril.' Tankard Reist adds, 'the proliferation and globalisation of sexual imagery, along with sexualised clothing, music, games and magazine content for girls, and the social imperative of a perfect body, are all part of this social change' (p.8).
- Often these sexualised images of girls and women make such images seem 'good and normal' (p.8).
- Interestingly, the 2007 report of the American Psychlogical Association (APA) Task Force on the Sexualisation of Girls found that 'sexualisation contributes to impaired cognitive performance in college-aged women, and related research suggests that viewing material that is sexually objectifying can contribute to body dissatisfaction, eating disorders, low self-esteem, depressive affect, and even physical health problems in high-school-ages girls and in young women' (p.8). The more girls are exposed to sexualisation and objectification, the more damage is being done to them. Girls can start to feel disgusted towards their own bodies.
- The 'super-sexy' messages about women in advertising works 'to deny women's humanity, to present them not as whole people but as fetishised, dismembered "bits," as objects' (Gill, 2009) (p.9). Does this result in weakening women, making them feel like they 'are always at risk of failing' (p. 9)? If this is how women feel, what messages are our young girls getting?
- Tankard Reist provides an example of how young girls are being influenced by 'today's messages about what constitutes female beauty' (p. 10): Sasha...has a spray tan once a week and a new set of acrylic nails once a month. Her hair is bleached white-blonde and regularly boosted with a set of extensions. She plucks her eyebrows and carefully applies make-up every morning. Her favourite outfit is a white satin boob-tube dress and Stretson hat (p. 10). How old do you think Sasha is? She's only 10!! I would like to know what her parents are doing. How could her parents allow this to happen and think it's totally appropriate. Not only that, but think about all the money that is being spent on Sasha's constant beauty escapades.
- But, it gets worse...apparently Sasha is totally obsessed with Playboy (no, not Harry Potter or My Little Pony, or Strawberry Shortcake, but Playboy!). The Playboy image is plastered all over her bedroom, from curtains to a doona cover to her pyjamas. Apparently, he mother orders all this Playboy trash from the U.S. - yes, that's right, her mother.
- But, it gets even worse...In Sasha's mind 'the thought of not being pretty is just too awful to contemplate: 'My mum would just call me ugly. Everyone would call me ugly. I wouldn't like that at all'' (p. 10). This causes me to think about something my sister wrote on her blog, Mother and Daughter Time Together, where she talks about spending some quality time with her girls (aged 7 and 5). This totally contrasts Sasha's world and I wonder what 'quality' time Sasha experiences with her mother.
- Apparently, for those Playboy enthusiasts, you can buy Playboy make-up, such as, 'Tie me to the bedpost blush' (p. 10).
- But, it's not just Playboy who's creating such hyper-sexualised propaganda. You can purchase children's padded decorative bras and g-strings and babies' T-shirts with slogans like, 'Breast Fed Baby: Stick around for the Show', 'Hung like a five year old', 'I enjoy a good spanking' and 'I'm too sexy for my diaper' (p.10). What has the world come to?
Friday, October 2, 2009
He's a Sucker
I was driving home from the shops today with Jack crying all the way home because he was hungry. About 5 minutes from home, his cries stopped, but they were replaced with these odd sucking sounds. When I got home, I saw Jack had discovered his thumb (he's taking after his mother). This brings me back to my musings on the effectiveness of the dummy. Some more to think about...

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