Jack's been sleeping pretty well on the whole. We've had a few nights where he's woken up in the wee hours, but he goes back to sleep. In the last week, we've had a few shockers where his sleep has been unsettled. He's also started crying after he's been put down for a nap or put to bed. A few times he just wouldn't settle and I've had to feed him to settle him. I'm hoping that is just a phase. Nothing else has changed. He's still having 3 naps and we're still wrapping him.
This morning he slept in til 7.30am! I was excited about that, but it didn't stop me from waking and checking the time (and wondering, "is he still alive?"). I hope this continues...
Wake Time
His wake time is still 2 hours. Sometimes he can go longer than that. This has been going well. I find it much easier to do things during the day when Jack's awake for longer periods of time.
Jack hasn't been rolling all that much. He's stopped rolling onto his tummy in his cot. Occasionally, he'll roll onto his tummy or his back while he's on his playmat. He spends most of his time sitting, so he's not really had much opportunity to roll around. Although, I don't really think he's that interested in rolling.
Sitting Up

Well, this has been very interesting. I been giv

Dave and I both really like that he can feed himself at

I unintentionally dropped a feed, so now we're down to 4 feeds a day. His last feed is between 5pm and 6pm. Occasionally, I give Jack a feed just before bed if his last feed was before 5pm. I'm still uncertain as to whether I should give him his last feed before bed or not - any ideas?
Mothers Group
Since Jack's been 3 months, I've been going to a mothers group. It's been FANTASTIC. It's the highlight of my week and I've made some great friends. There are 3 girls, in particular, with whom I've connected really well - Erin (mother of Oliver), Sam (mother of Daisy) and Christie (mother of Sophie). I'm really lucky that I can meet up with these girls throughout the week. I am t

In this photo, you can see Oliver (in the background), Sophie (on the far right), Jack (on the right) and Lucy (left, daughter of Nicole). The babies were completely mesmerised by a toy that spun around and made music like a xylophone (you can sort of see it behind Lucy). It was very cute.
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