
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
Ps 139:14

Friday, January 29, 2010

Bon Voyage

We have, sadly, had to say goodbye to some family. A couple of weeks ago my brother, Mike, and sister-in-law, Katie, together with their children, Harry, Miriam and Harry, left to go to Tanzania to serve there with CMS, at Munguishi Bible College (click here for more information). They will be there for three years, so it will be a while before we see them next.

On top of this, my sister, Rachael, and brother-in-law, Glen, along with their kids, Sophie, Bethany and Matthew, have returned to Vanuatu to continue their work at Talua Ministry Centre in Santo (click here for more information).

This has been a very sad time for me. It's hard having your family leave you and knowing that it will be a long time before you'll see them next. But, I know that they are passionate about building up God's kingdom, and so, they are stepping out in faith to do God's work. Thankfully, we have the internet, which brings us email, Facebook, and Skype. It is so easy to keep in touch now. I'm so glad that my parents and brother are close by, so we still have some family left!

Here's a photo of Jack with all his cousins.

Miriam, Sophie, Sammy, Harry, Matthew, Bethany & Jack.

This photo was taken while we were all away together before Christmas. It was great fun getting all the grandchildren together for this photo.

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