These last few days Jack's signing for "food" and "finished" has really improved. I was quite surprised when I asked him if he'd like some food and he signed "please" and then "food", and yesterday he signed "food" without my having to say the word at all (although, I'm not sure that he wanted any food as when I offered it to him, he didn't want it!).
Yesterday we went to the park. Jack loves going down the slide, and he giggles and laughs every time we went down. Before we went down I'd say, "One, two, three - yay!". After a while of doing this, I heard Jack saying "di, da, dee - yay!". I wasn't really sure what he was saying at first, but I eventually figured it out and I was so surprised that he had picked it up so quickly. I guess they say things all the time, but because their words don't sound exactly like "real" words, we don't realise. I think he also says, "Oh, dear", but I'm not too sure.
Jack's other new word has been "goggy". He says it when he says our sheep or chickens. Actually, I think he says it when he sees any animal. We've been showing him pictures of animals and saying their name, but he'll still say, "goggy".
Jack is a super walker now. He is always on the move and walks around everywhere exploring. He's also started to run. This has posed a few problems, especially when his feet can't keep up him his desire to run and he ends up doing a face-plant on the ground, usually biting into his lip and bleeding everywhere. What's also been great to watch is that Jack has been trying to jump. I think this has come from jumping on the trampoline with his cousins. I never thought about how hard it is to learn to do this until I watched Jack try to do it. He has worked out the action and he tries so hard, but he just hasn't worked out how to get his feet off the ground. He loves doing it, though. We often say to him, "jump!", and he'll stop what he's doing and jump, and say "ump" while he does it. He loves it when we jump with him and cracks up when he sees us do it.
Things have been relatively settled with Jack's sleeping. His night sleeping is still going so well. He goes down at 7pm and wakes up between 6am and 7am. When I go to bed I pop some toys in his cot so that when he wakes up in the morning he'll play with his toys (well, usually!) so we don't have to get him up straight away.
I'm still giving him 2 day naps. There are some days where he will only have one nap. On Fridays he won't sleep in the morning at mothers group. I keep trying each week, but he just refuses to. Luckily, I've been able to get him down at bible study on Thursday mornings, which I didn't expect. There are some days when he'll have a morning nap but won't want an afternoon nap. His naps are never longer than 1 1/2 hours, usually only 1 hour. I thought he'd start to have a really long nap at some point in the day, but he doesn't. Even if he only has one nap, it still isn't that long. I think I'll just keep giving him 2 naps and just see what happens.. He's been happy when he's awake, so he's getting enough sleep.
This is typically up and down. With some things, Jack is really good and does what we ask him to do. When he has something he shouldn't have, we'll say, "ta" and he'll give it to us - sometimes! When it's something he really likes, he'll run away. He is obsessed with running on to the road at the moment and will ignore us when we tell him to stop or come back. Luckily for us, we're quicker and stronger than he is!
I'm trying to teach him to finish eating one thing before he starts one something else. This comes down to the battle of the wills, as is often the case with parenting. There are some things I'm determined to win and my will needs to be stronger than his, and this is one of them. Sometimes, Jack will understand and finish what he's got, but other times he refuses. One time he wanted to eat my muesli, but I wanted him to finish his toast first. He refused and threw his toast on the floor (how do you stop them from throwing their food and drink on the floor?!). I was determined to win this battle so I kept explaining the situation. Eventually, I took him out of his high chair and moved him away from the situation. A while later, I offered him his toast again and he ate it, and then he got to eat his muesli. What a morning!
We're still using time-out and, at times, he'll get a smack on the hand. At the moment, time-out is more effective than the smacking. Sometimes he "gets" the whole discpline thing, but most of the time, he doesn't quite understand it. He does understand "no", though, and he knows when to throw a tantrum and cry when he doesn't get his own way. Luckily, those tantrums never last long and they're usually pretty half-hearted.

Thumb Sucking
Jack is still an avid thumb-sucker. Over the last couple of months he's been sucking his thumb more during the day when he's awake. We're trying to teach him that sucking his thumb is only for sleeping. So, when we see his thumb in his mouth, we say, "thumb out". Up until the last week or so, he didn't really respond to our instruction and we'd have to take it out ourselves, which usually resulted in him having a bit of a whinge and putting it straight back in. Now, he understands what we're saying and takes it out straight away, which is so good. But, he does, at times, put it straight back in, like he's taunting us! What's been good is that his grandparents and aunts and uncles have been saying "thumb out" to him as well, so he can't escape, there's always somebody harassing him!
This last month Jack has been eating so well. What he eats has really expanded. At dinner, we'll give him some steamed vegies to eat before his meat, and he'll happily eat his broccoli, zucchini, carrot, etc., although he's still a bit suspicious of some food! He's still obsessed with cheese and he's rather fond of grapes, too. These are great to have on hand when I'm out and I need to keep him entertained.
He absolutely loves plums at the moment. The other morning he kept point at the fruit bowl, saying "this" and signing "please". I kept picking up various fruit and offering it to him, but he kept shaking his head, until I got to the plum and then he giggled and signed "please" and subsequently ate two plums! I have no idea how he knew what a plum was and that he knew that he liked it, but he was so determined to have it and I'm certainly not going to say no to him wanting to eat fruit. Now, every morning he'll ask for a plum before he eats anything else. I just hand the fruit whole to him and he'll eat it all, minus the stone.
Here's what our days are looking like at the moment:
6:30/7:00am - Wake, breakfast, play
10:00am - Nap
11.00am - Wake, morning tea, play
12.00pm - Lunch
2.00pm - Nap
3.00pm - Wake, afternoon tea, play
6.00pm - Dinner with family
6.30pm - Bath and stories
7.00pm - Bed