Here are some photos of the birth of Jack - no yucky pictures included, don't worry.
It was all very civilised really. The night before, Dave and I went out to dinner and had a fantastic meal at Como in Blaxland (if you haven't been there, you should really go). It was a nice way to have our last 'horrah'.
We arrived at the Hospital st 6.00am. Here I am, all ready to go. I'm glad that I brought a book with me as it made the waiting bearable.

We didn't have to wait that long. By 8.45am the obstetrician came and collected me to take me to theatre. By 9.30am, Jack was born.
Here he is, straight from the womb. As soon as he was brought into the world, he let out a great cry. It was such a relief to hear his cry (it's a really cute cry, too!).

Dave was able to go over and be with Jack while they did their initial check-up.

I love this expression he does. He looks at me like this all the time - and I'm sure I'll get this look quite a lot in the future.

He's the doting father - completely besotted.

It was cold in theatre, so they had him all rugged up, beanie included.

His lovely foot.

Finally, mum could have a cuddle with her new bub.

He's our son in all his glory.

Dave and Jack went off to get weighed, measured and injected, while I was finishing up in theatre. I had to go to recovery before I could be with Jack and Dave but I was only there for 40 minutes, which was good as I was really keen to have a proper cuddle with Jack.
By 11.00am I was taken to the post-natal ward where Dave and Jack were waiting.

Here we are, having a nice cuddle and a rest. The whole experience must have been pretty exhausting for little Jack.