
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
Ps 139:14

Monday, March 17, 2008

A Questiony Meme

I was tagged by my sister to do this questiony meme.  So, here it is...

  1. Were you named after anyone? Not that I'm aware of...I wish I was, in a way.
  2. When was the last time you cried? Well, I shed a little tear when I read my sister's blog, 'To infinity and back'.  It was adorable.
  3. Do you like your handwriting? Yes.  It has a certain “teacher” character to it.
  4. What is your favourite lunch meat? Ham (can't stand devon!)
  5. Do you have kids? Not as yet...sometime I hope
  6. If you were another person would you be friends with you? I think I'd find me irritating and bossy, although we'd have some intelligent conversations!
  7. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Yes, all the time, it's my biggest weapon.
  8. Do you still have your tonsils? Yes.
  9. Would you bungee jump? No.  I hate the feeling of falling.  I'm not a big risk-taker.
  10. What is your favourite cereal? I'm not a hug cereal fan.  But, I'd have to say my favourite is 'Just Right',
  11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Yes, but only after years of getting sick of trying to untie the knots in my shoelaces caused by impatience.
  12. Do you think you are strong? I think that God has made me strong in some ways - teaching, dealing with students, etc. - but I still definitely need to be strengthened in other ways -  I lack self-discipline when it comes to some things.
  13. What is your favourite ice cream? Anything with caramel in it, especially magnum 'ego'  ice creams.
  14. What is the first thing you notice about people? Hmmm...I guess their sense of humour.  I like people who make me laugh.
  15. Red or pink? I love red - red clothes, red shoes, red roses, etc.  
  16. What is the thing that you like least about yourself? Physically, my teeth.  I also don't like the way that I can be insensitive at times.
  17. Who do you miss the most? Usually David because he's often at work when I'm at home.  Also, the friends with whom I've lost contact.
  18. What colour pants and shoes are you wearing? Not wearing any!
  19. Have you ever re-gifted? No
  20. What are you listening to right now? The T.V. ("So You Think You Can Dance?") and the incessant cicadas outside.
  21. If you were a crayon what colour would you be? Purple. 
  22. Favourite smells? The smell after it rains.  Also, fresh coffee beans and cooking toast in the mornings.
  23. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? The Chinese Takeaway restaurant. 
  24. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Yes, very much! She's my big sister!
  25. Favourite sports to watch? I love watching the AFL.
  26. Hair colour? Mouse-brown, but I like to "enhance" the colour through "natural" blonde highlights.
  27. Eye colour? Blue.
  28. Do you wear contacts? Yes.  But when I'm tired I don’t wear them as  they irritate my eyes.
  29. Favourite food? I don't think I can choose.  I like all food.  I've just made a caramel slice, that can be my favourite for today.
  30. Scary movies or happy endings? I hate being scared (I have an over-active imagination), so I'll say happy endings.  Although, I don't like them when they're "mushy".
  31. Last movie you watched? The Nanny Diaries – it wasn’t as bad as I had expected, although it wasn't great either.
  32. What colour shirt are you wearing? Not wearing one.  I am wearing something, though - a blue dress.
  33. Summer or winter? Definitely summer - I love hot summer days.
  34. Hugs or kisses? I love both (from my husband).  I especially love "hot kisses". 
  35. Favourite dessert? Apple crumble with custard or cheesecake.
  36. What book are you reading now? "Northern Lights" (the book that was made into the movie, "The Golden Compass") and "Caesar's Women".
  37. What is on your mousepad? Don't use one.  There're over-rated anyway.
  38. What did you watch on tv last night?"So You Think You can Dance?"
  39. Favourite sound? That's a tough one...probably the peace and quiet of dusk, or good jazz music.
  40. Rolling stones or Beatles? Definitely The Beatles.
  41. What is the furthest you have been from home? Scotland, I think.
  42. Do you have a special talent? Not that I'm aware of.
  43. Where born? Sydney, NSW, Australia.

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