
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
Ps 139:14

Friday, May 6, 2011

Jack at 20 months

Yes, it's be a while since my last post. Life as been plodding along really nicely (with various ups and downs) and we have been thoroughly enjoying being parents of a little toddler. The other day, a lady at the shops asked me how old Jack was. I had no idea! I did some quick calculations (not my strongest point!) and I replied, "20 months...I think?". I wondered whether she thought I was actually his mother. Ah, well. That's just a reflection of what things are like at the moment. After 12 months, you don't seem to take as much notice of their "monthly" changes and development. Things slow down and are a lot more settled, which is so nice!

So, I guess I'd better give a proper update on Jack and how he's going.

Jack's going well with this. He is constantly chatting away in his toddler gibberish and laughing at the funny things he's saying. He picks up a new word every few days and we often ask ourselves, "how on earth did he learn that word? He didn't get it from us." Some of the words he's learned are: key, birdie, up, bubbles, head, nose, eye, ear, toes, toast, book. The biggest achievement in this area, as far as I'm concerned, is that he finally learnt to say "Mummy". Yay!!!! This correlated with a pretty terrible week of him teething and having a nasty cold, so unfortunatley, "Mummy" became synonymous with whinging and "I want". But, at least he's saying it now. He's also learnt to say "no" (which he says quite frequently!) and "more" (my friend, Machi, taught him that one!). I find these words helpful in the sense that I have more of an idea of what they do and don't want. Well, more of an idea of what Jack THINKS he does and does not want.

As I type this, he's sitting in his highchair playing "boo" with his washer and singing in his cup.